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Church of England Primary School

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KIC Theatre session - The Victorians. We created freeze frame 'photograph' poses of children mining, chimney sweeping, working in the sewers. We were rich men and women going about our business. We were Victorians travelling on trains and going on holiday to the seaside.

This week we have been problem solving in Maths using familiar concepts such as fractions, multiplying, negative numbers and rounding.  We've been using real life contexts to apply these skills in.  We had a great cricket PE session on Monday, and I even joined in fielding and batting with the children.  We continued to learn more about Ghandi and what made him a heroic figure.  In Art we learnt who William Morris was and what he was famous for during the Victorian period.  We copied his printing techniques by designing and drawing images onto foam, colouring them in felt pens, spraying with water and printing to create some beautiful, effective pictures.  In English we started looking at features of a newspaper report.  We explored what makes an effective headline, and read some funny articles about animals and football to inspire our own headlines.  Year 5s had forest school and Year 4s did computing on Thursday afternoon, producing chase games on Scratch.  

Well done to all the children for achieving their raffle ticket target of 50 this week.  Hugo chose the reward of bringing teddies in for the day to help the children with their learning!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Hall

Paper plate 'ice skating' - a raffle ticket award from this term chosen by Harry
