We found a rucksack belonging to someone called Astrid in class. Inside there were two space suits, some space food, a rocket, a model of a rocket, a map of the stars, a puzzle of the planets and a strange rock!
The children worked in groups and wrote sentences about what they have found out about Astrid.
In Science we are learning about different materials. The children have sorted household objects into the following groups: metal, glass, plastic, wood and other. We used a Venn diagram to sort objects that were made of more than one material.
We are looking at 2-D and 3-D shapes for just a week in maths. The children have been sorting, building towers for Rapunzel with appropriate shapes, looking at how many faces 3-D shapes have and making pictures out of 2-D shapes for a display. They will continue to learn about these shapes during Early Morning Work.
We went on a shape hunt today looking for both 2-D and 3-D shapes in the environment. The children were amazed at how many we could see that they had never noticed before.
Our topic this term is Transport, past and present. Today the children worked in groups and wrote down as many different types of transport that they could think of. We had some amazing answers!
2-D Shape Pictures