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Week 4

Ms Shepherd's VE decorations

Thursday 7 May

Hurrah! Last day of the week because tomorrow is VE day and you have no lessons.  


Thursday's Maths and English plans


Choose another book from the website to read to your mum or dad or sibling.  Make it 2 books, as you probably won't be reading tomorrow!

Thursday's Phonics

Tomorrow is VE day.  The letters V and E are pronounced /ee/.  How many different ways can you think of spelling the phoneme /ee/?

Here are some words from our class bunting to jog your memory:

ee as in leek

ea as in bead

e-e as in even


and there's also 

e as in he/she/me

y as in piggy

ey as in  monkey


Now read this postcard and play 'phoneme spotter'.


If you haven't had a go at creating your Andy Goldsworthy art, please take the time today to do either the outside art or the inside art (from last week and the week before).  I've only had one photograph so far and I'm really looking forward to see what the rest of you have done!


Here is an idea for some VE decorations for you to make to decorate your front door or front garden.

Also if you go onto Twinkl there are lots of interesting activities that tell you all about VE Day and how we celebrate it.  Better still ask a relative!



And finally...

Don't forget News Round!  It's still there even though we are not at school and it's still full of interesting facts.  Log on tomorrow and you're bound to see lots of people celebrating VE Day!


Have a really lovely long weekend.


Love from Ms Shepherd x

Wednesday 6 May

Good morning Children!  I am typing this on Monday while I am at school because my computer won't work at home.  I'm at school with Jeremy.

Thought you might like to see what the classroom's like while you're all at home:


Still image for this video

Jeremy was interested to hear about your DT investigations with boats. He asked me to put this picture of the lego boat he's making today in school. Challenge! Make your own lego boat and send us a picture of it!

Wednesday's Maths and English plans


Please choose another book from the website we pointed you towards last week.  Mrs Grady mentioned this in her lesson plans earlier in the week, so don't go saying you weren't sure how to log on!  Don't forget, you can listen to the story as you read it.  Parents, if you fancy a little more guidance, you will see an icon labelled 'Guided Reading' and that helps with questioning the children and other language areas.


LI: I know that there are different ways of spelling the phoneme ai. 

Below is a sheet full of words containing the sound (phoneme) ai.  It is spelt in many ways:

/ai/ /a/ /ae/ /a-e/ /ay/ etc.

Ask your child to read the text (or read it to them with them following).  Each time they see/hear a word with the phoneme ai write it down for them.  

Question:  how many different ways can the sound ai be spelt?

The great snail race


Please carry on with the computing project that Mrs Godden set up for you.  


LI: I can create a holiday time line

Please ask your child these quesitons:

Today you are going to think about the different types of holidays you have during the year.

In which  month do we celebrate Christmas?

What happens at Christmas?

At what time of the year do we celebrate Easter?

What  happens at Easter?  

Can you think of any other holidays that we have?

When do we have them?  

What  happens during the summer holidays?


Then ask them to look at the photograph of the time line and the pictures of the events.  Copy the timeline into their English book.  Can the children draw the pictures into the correct place on the timeline? Apologies for the pictures on their sides!  One picture is blank for them to think of a different holiday.  Finally there are some sentences for them to complete - these can be done orally if your child has had enough!



Holiday time line

Tuesday 5th May 

Good morning everyone, here is the learning for today. 


Maths (Tuesday 5th May)

English (Tuesday 5th May)


Reading is so important so please read for 15 minutes every day.

Tell someone in your house about the book you have read. This could be a picture book that you know or it could be a new book that you try to read independently to yourself. You could read to your favourite teddy or toy. You could also listen to a free audio story or look at a story online.


Take a look at the Active Primary Website (link below). It is another lovely way for the children to engage in reading. You should select Bug Club and then Independent. There are loads of reading books appropriate for your child. Start with phase 5 but if too tricky go to phase 3 or 4. 


Username:  admin

Password:  changeme

School code: elha


Have a go at playing Poop Deck Pirates (this is just like Buried Treasure we have played at school). Choose Phase 5 and read the words on the golden coins. Decide if they are real words or not.

Design & Technology

Here are some photos of the tinfoil boats made by Douglas and Flissie last week – well done children!

Activity: Today the children are going to make a stick raft. Once they have made the raft and completed the activity, they need to complete the evaluation sheet.


Please do not worry about this – just do what you can!

NEXT WEEK: The children will be making a paper boat – all the instructions will be provided next week but to help you prepare you will just need some A4 paper!

Please don’t worry if you haven’t got this item or can’t get hold of it – just do what you can with what you have.


Have a go at completing the 'Where I live' activity. Once you have completed it ask a grown up to help you cut around the circles and then use a hole punch to make a hole in each circle and tie them together with some ribbon or string. It will be lovely to show these to each other when we are back at school. 

That’s all from me for another week. Ms Shepherd tomorrow. Keep sending us pictures of your fabulous home learning and smiling faces!

Take care, be happy, love Mrs Grady xx

Monday 4th May


Good morning gorgeous children,

How are you all? I can’t believe how quickly the time is flying by! I bet that you’ve all grown at least 1cm, maybe more! When we get back to school, I think that we should measure how tall we all are, what a fun activity to look forward to!


Thank you for all the emails and photos. Ms Shepherd and I are thrilled with all that you are doing at home and we really love seeing all of the photos so please continue to send them.


See the link below to a story ‘Stay at Home Superheroes’ which may help explain lockdown to young children.


Be safe, be good, be happy. Love Mrs Grady xx

Maths (Monday 4th May)
English (Monday 4th May)


Reading is so important so please read for 15 minutes every day.

Tell someone in your house about the book you have read. This could be a picture book that you know or it could be a new book that you try to read independently to yourself. You could read to your favourite teddy or toy. You could also listen to a free audio story or look at a story online.


Take a look at the Active Primary Website (link below). It is another lovely way for the children to engage in reading. You should select Bug Club and then Independent. There are loads of reading books appropriate for your child. Start with phase 5 but if too tricky go to phase 3 or 4. 


Username:  admin

Password:  changeme

School code: elha



Have a go playing Spooky Spellings. This game focuses on 'tricky words' which are common words that are hard to spell. If the Year 1 game is too easy have a go at the Year 2 game.



Today you will be identifying and describing wild plants.


First, look through the slides below which show you a variety of wild plants. Do you recognise any of them?

Activity: Use the classification key on the worksheet to identify the wild plants. Stick (or draw) each picture in the box next to its name.


Have a go at one of the activities (or both if you like!)

Activity: Did you enjoy the song last week? Today we are looking at part 4 (we have skipped part 3) where Suki and Nigel are rowing out to Golden Island to find treasure. The song is called Suki over the ocean.  

Follow the tutorial at the following link.

Activity: Listen to this piece of music (no peeking at the title). What mammal do you think this song is about – why? Is it loud or quiet? Is it fast or slow? Is it twinkling or rippling? Can you describe what you are hearing? Do you recognise any of the instruments?
