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Friday 26th June


Good morning and happy Friday Esme and Tom


Just a quick note to let you know that this week's spelling test is now ready for you to access as a 2Do in Purple Mash - just clock on your Alerts and you will see it. I hope you both score full marks!


Have a lovely weekend and Tom, we look forward to seeing you at school on Monday.


Stay safe.


Mrs Godden x

Monday 22nd June


Hello Esme and Tom,

This week we have been doing some more transition work in school. 

I have attached a top tips for secondary school sheet you might find useful and a booklet you can fill in. We have looked at the timetable on page 6 and talked about how the school day works at secondary school.

Let us know if you have any questions about the transition work

Enjoy the sunshine


Mrs Short x

Monday 22nd June


Good morning Esme and Tom


I hope that you are both well and had a lovely weekend.  Here are this week's lessons for you to follow. I will add Computing and RE a little later today and Mrs Short will be adding some more Transition activities for you this week as well. We are very happy to continue to provide home-learning for you, but if you feel you would like to join us back at school for the final few weeks of term, we would absolutely love to see you back in Oak Class.


The weather looks to be wonderful this week so I hope that you can get outside and enjoy the sunshine every afternoon, but don't forget to 'Slip, Slap, Slop' - Slip on a T-shirt, Slap on a hat and Slop on plenty of sun cream!


Stay safe.


Mrs Godden xx



As well completing the Hamilton English lessons which are provided below, would you please make sure you write your '500 Words' story and send it to Mrs Short by Friday 26th June at the latest (or sooner if you can). Remember - there will be prizes for the most original stories. Full details can be found on last week's class page.



If you haven't yet completed last week's spelling test, please log in to Purple Mash and click on your 2Dos where you will find the test for 19.06.2020. Good luck!


Mrs Vincent's spelling sheet for this week can be found below.


This week's spellings:
























If you have completed both lessons one and two from 'Moi dans le monde', then you are still ahead of where we are in class (we have been too busy to get round to French this week), so you don't need to do any French this week. If you still want to do some French, you can continue with Duolingo or choose one of these projects: (Scroll down to Home Learning Lessons.)

If you haven't done the first two lessons of Moi dans le monde, then please try to do at least lesson one this week. 


This week you are continuing to use spreadsheets to quickly solve problems of number. You will be practising using formulae which you learnt in previous lessons. Your lesson plan and resources are just below.


This week we continue with our learning about the Kingdom of God. We are going to examine how Christians put Jesus's teachings into action through their charity work. Your lesson plan can be found below.

RE - Kingdom of God - Lesson Four

Spelling Sheet for week commencing 22.06.20
