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Church of England Primary School

Respect - Support - Inspire

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Wow! What a busy 2 weeks we've had in Silver Birch! The children have settled in really well and are adjusting to having new friends to learn with and new teachers too. They are all superstars!


Thank you for coming to meet the teacher on Wednesday. If you weren't able to come, the main points we wanted to share were:


Homework - Please try to hear your child read every day. Spellings will be sent home every Friday to learn, children will be tested the following Friday. Please practise times tables at home. We have a times tables test each Wednesday.


Reading logs will be collected in every Monday, please try to complete the comments at least twice a week (this could be you or your child). If reading logs are not returned or completed children will stay for a short homework club session on a Tuesday lunchtime and will read their books then.


PE days are Wednesday and Friday, please wear PE kit to school.


Please send your child to school with a water bottle and coat everyday.




