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Church of England Primary School

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Star of the week

This week's 'star of the week' is George. You have had a fantastic week George. You really impressed us with your independent writing of the title and opening of your story in English. In maths, you persevered with 10's and 1's and remembered to count on from 10. Well done George - what a great week!

Today is World Kindness Day - we have been talking about all the kind things we do in Hazel class and how it makes us feel to be kind to others. 


The children then made kindness rainbows about other children in the class and teachers. We also made one for Mr File!

In RE this week we are continuing to find out why Christmas matters to Christians? We looked at pictures of baby Jesus and talked about how special Christians believe he was - they believe he was God on Earth. When God first came, he was not a big man, just a baby with a mummy called Mary. 


We found out in our class who has younger brothers and sisters and then talked about the things we would need to put in a bedroom for a new baby. The children's pictures were amazing!



In maths we have continued to learn about making teen numbers with tens and ones and we are working out one more/one less than teen numbers or some of us managed to work with numbers up to 50.
This term we are learning to play hockey.  Today we learned to pass and stop the ball holding our hockey sticks correctly.

Our Two minutes' silence

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Oral Rehearsal of Walter's Wonderful Web

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Dough Disco!

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