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Church of England Primary School

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Our learning this week has been based around Elmer the patchwork elephant.

For our English we designed our own elephants and tried to label them with the sounds we know.

We thought about people who are different to us and tried to work together to make our Elmer's.

We had a great time when Ian from KIC theatre came in and did some Elmer drama with us.

Our maths has of course been pattern. Many of the children can now see a repeating pattern and carry it on.

We had some Autumn fun on WOW day where we made collages and thought about autumn colours..


Sounds learnt so far are , s a t p i n d g o c k ck m. Lots of words can be made with these sounds. Have a go at blending sounds together to make words.


Have a lovely half term break, see you all soon.
