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week 1 1.6.2020

Friday 5th June

I have received some lovely work from children this week - there have been some super descriptive sentences based on The Promise - well done everyone!

Beaumont has typed his story plan for The Promise - well done Beaumont!

Eddie worked hard to produce this thoughtful acrostic poem - beautifully illustrated Eddie!

Arthur watched the rocket launch on Saturday and has been cooking pizza on the barbeque - looks good Arthur!

Thursday 3rd June

Ruby has been busy with her story planning - good work Ruby!

Samuel embraced the bug hunt task and has produced this informative and professional powerpoint - well done Samuel - our budding Naturalist!

Wednesday 3rd June

Congratulations to the following children for completing AR quizzes: Howie - 10 points; Beaumont - 14 points; Scarlett - 5 points; Gaby - 4 points; Baptiste - 4 points, Jack - 5 points. Keep reading everyone!

Look what Howie found on his bug hunt!

Tuesday 2nd June

Hi everyone! How is it going so far for term 6? Its strange having some of Oak class in school, but no Beech class! Please send me your work so that I can show it on here! 

In English this week you will be studying a text by Nicola Davies: "The Promise"; you will be using similes, writing summaries, classifying word groups and building sentences to write a poem - have fun! I can't wait to see what you come up with!


This term we will be using activities from the Wildlife Trusts. This week you will go on a minibeast hunt and record your findings. You can also download a Random Acts of Wildness calendar from the PDF as well as a poster to colour in. I wonder what you will find? Don't forget to send me your pictures and your factfiles.

PSHE - Living in the Wider World

This week you will find out about "Identities" Please read through the powerpoint and do the poster worksheet.

Topic - Rainforests

We continue our Topic work on Rainforests this week by finding out about deforestation. Read the powerpoint, then complete the reading comprehension - choose which level you want to do...make sure you are challenging yourself!

PE -Bikeability

We will start this term using the Bikeabiliy resources - have a look at the PDF document (you don't need to print it all off - it is rather long!). Please complete activity 2: "Let's Get Cycling" poster and activity 4: name the parts of a bicycle. The answers are at the end of the document.

RE - Life is a Journey

What does this mean?

* Think about your normal journey to school.  Draw a map of this.  Think about who keeps you safe on that journey, and who is waiting at school to guide you.

* Think about the changes in your life and the hope and expectations you have for your future.  Use an example of a growing tree to record where you are now in your life, and what you might achieve in the future.

For example: The roots - people and groups that give you strength and inspiration and keep you safe.

                    The trunk - where you are now in life.

                    The leaves - Your hopes and dreams.

* Think about how each of us take a journey through life, and some take a religious journey.

* Make a list of important things that have happened to you so far in your life, Eg: Being born, starting school.  Why are these important?  Are some more important than others?

* What milestones will you encounter in life?  Eg: Graduating, passing a driving test.  Write these down, and think about which are the most important to you.

*  What journey of life ceremonies do you know from other religions?  Note any questions that you may have about these.

You might find this powerpoint useful as a discussion prompt:

DT: design a pencil case

Children returning to school have been asked to provide their own pens and pencils to avoid the sharing of equipment in classes to prevent the spread of the virus. They have been asked to use a clear bag for now, but could you design a pencil case that you could bring back to school? This week, start thinking about pencil cases you have seen - you could make a mood board showing different pencil cases with different features - what do you think might be useful? what would be practical? 

Computing: this term you will be learning how to use software to create 3D models. Please send your work to Mrs Godden.
