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Church of England Primary School

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This week, we started looking at the concept of Place value in maths and partitioned numbers. This helped us to understand the value of the digits in a number.  We did some symmetrical patterns too.  In English, we started to read 'Escape to Pompeii' and did some activities based on sensory descriptions, and started to write a poem using synonyms.  In Topic, we created a timeline of British history, and in RE we explored the Bible, and became Bible detectives by using books, chapters and verses to find different colours and numbers within the texts.  We had our first PE lesson, doing fitness circuits and in French, used basic greetings.  In PSHE we discussed our achievements and what we did to become successful.  This was our first full week of 'normal' lessons - us teachers have loved being back to normal, and the children seemed to as well!

We used dice to play a place value game
