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Church of England Primary School

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This week we have used the number lines we made last week to work out the answers to some number sentences.  It's tricky remembering to go forward on the number line when we are adding, but backwards when we are taking away.

We used our DT skills and the things we have learnt this term to make special moving Christmas cards!  Don't look at the pictures if you don't want to see your card before Christmas!  But they were too nice not to show you!

In English we have written a spine poem about a Christmas tree or a snowman.  We are going to transcribe them onto either a Christmas tree shape or a snowman shape.  But before we do so, we have spent lots of time editing them and trying to fit our words onto the lines correctly.  Hopefully these will come home for you to admire later

Sleeping Beauty!


Wow! What an amazing time we had at the Marlowe Theatre. We would like to thank our wonderful helpers, Lizzie (Iris' mum) and Mrs Clarinbold for giving up their time to help us. All the children were exceptionally well behaved and the Panto was enjoyed by every single one of us (even if most of the jokes did go over the children's heads!) We can't wait to go and see Aladdin next year.




In Maths this week we have started looking at 3D Shapes. The children are learning the shape names and the key features of each 3D shape. The children were set a challenge in small groups to see who could make the tallest tower. We soon realised that some 3D shapes are not suitable to use at the bottom or in the middle of towers as it makes them very unsteady!

