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Church of England Primary School

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Welcome back, we hope you all had a lovely break!


This term there are a few slight changes:

Spellings will be given out on Friday and the test will be the following Friday. Please see the new updated list for year 4 under the Term 2 Spellings star. The children have already had the first weeks test so this list goes from week 2. Please could the children bring their completed spelling sheets back into school by Thursday.

PE is now hockey - please remember to dress appropriately on Wednesday for outdoors PE. Children should wear a green Elham polo shirt, sweatshirt or hoodie (or black sweatshirt if you don't have the Team Elham one) with black shorts or joggers. If earrings can be removed, please do so to avoid injury during PE.

Please remember that nail varnish should be removed before school after the weekend.


The children have all come back with a great attitude to their learning and we look forward to meeting parents at our Zoom consultations in week 3 to discuss their learning.

The children have been working hard this week and finished the week looking all cosy in their pyjamas! Thank you for supporting this special day and the PTA who help raise valuable funds for the school.

In maths the children have been working on their mental addition and subtraction strategies as well as converting seconds to minutes and minutes to seconds.

In English they have been thinking about different tenses in their writing and have begun to think about the features of instructions. What can they remember?

In topic we have moved onto the Bronze Age and the children completed a timeline showing the important events of this era before answering an advert to become a copper miner! They had to say what skills they had to show how good they would be.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and if you are celebrating Bonfire Night enjoy yourselves and stay safe!
