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Church of England Primary School

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End of school Extravaganza


Well done Acorns you did us proud. What an amazing performance the Acorns gave. They really were dancing Queens and Kings.

They have been an amazing class to teach this year. Miss Knight and myself have thoroughly enjoyed spending our days with them and watching them learn and grow. They are all ready now for their continuing journey into Year 1 and I really do wish them all the best. 

Thank you parents for all of your support this year and for our lovely gifts, they are really very much appreciated.

Picnic in the Park


Well! I think we all really needed our picnic trip to the park today. The weather was perfect, the park was empty and we had a really super time. I think Acorn class are the most well behaved class I have ever taken out. It makes life so much easier and Miss Knight and myself have a really enjoyable time taking them places. Thank you parents for making their packed lunches, I know we have had a few treats this year but I really think they deserve them. They ate their lunches sensibly, played nicely and were respectful when a smaller child came in to play. Well done Acorns, you are superstars.

