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Term 4

Week 4

Week ending 18.3.22


 We have had a lot of fun this week: it  was Science Week  and on Friday, Comic Relief Day!


What have we learned this week?


'I learned the 'er', 'ir', 'ur' graphemes.'

'I learned the 'ble' ending.'

'I learned my 3x table.'

'I learned number bonds to 10 and 20.'

'I learned how to make a lava lamp.'

'I learned how nappies work.'

'I learned about dinosaurs.'

'I enjoyed the Maths Magician!'

'I wrote a recount of Science Week.'

'I wrote a diary in the style of Samuel Pepys.'

'I experimented to see the different properties of materials - whether I could twist, squash or make them change shape.'

'I made bright 3 D flowers in the style of Frida Kahlo.'

' I acted out the beginning of the Easter Story.'
