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Church of England Primary School

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Well done to all the children this week for all the assessments they have completed!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in the classroom, with homemade decorations galore!

Thanks again to everyone for your kind donations for the foodbank. I took the first boxful to Sainsbury's last weekend and will do the next drop off tomorrow. We will continue to collect until the end of term for our Reverse Advent.

We did a short reading comprehension this morning and the children have asked for the instructions for Spiced Biscuits to make at home.

Well done to Jago, Miles, Mae, Beaumont and Eli who brought in their results for last week's Science experiment. Eli made this amazing powerpoint explaining how he conducted his investigation! Great work Eli!
This week we have begun a new investigation to find out about the Water Cycle. Some children are keen to replicate this at home:
We've had lots of fun this week dramatising the playscripts about the assassination of Julius Caesar that the children wrote last week. We have been very impressed with the acting, directing, playwriting and audience awareness of all the groups. Well done Beech class! You amaze me!