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Church of England Primary School

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Term 1

Week 8

Week ending 22.10.21


We have had a fun-filled Book Week!


On Monday, we were visited by Katherine the author of 'Peter the Pony'. The lovely story had a message that God loves us all and we are all special. 


On Tuesday, our old friend, Ian from Kic Theatre did drama with Willows about Tocuaro, a village in Mexico, which we are comparing and contrasting with Elham. The children had great fun and were able to learn more and show off their knowledge!


On Wednesday, Steve Clifford returned to do a workshop with the class and inspired them to write the end of a story about a dragon.


Friday was dressing up day! Thank you  to parents and children who embraced our theme of 'Non-fiction' so whole-heartedly! We were very impressed with the diversity of their outfits - from Jane Goodall to Greta Thonburg, footballers, King David, a Dalmation, Darren Stevens, Lewis Hamilton, The Princess of Wales and butterflies, with everything in between!  Well done!


During the week, the class took part in the KS 1 competition to design a front cover for a book they might like to write.  It was lovely that some of them dressed up to reflect their choice.


Many have taken part in the whole school competition to have a picture reading a book from an unusual place.  I have extended it to the end of half-term, in case the children were going somewhere special!


A huge 'Thank you' to everyone who supported The Scholastic Book Fair and to our wonderful Mums who set up and manned the till!  I hope you enjoy your books and remember to read, read and read some more!


What else did we learn this week?


'I learned the 'dge' and 'ge' phoneme and graphemes.'

'I learned to write money decimals.'

'I learned to design and make a carnival mask.'

'I learned to use time- connectives to order the events in my recount.'

'I learned to subtract, using a numberline.'

'I learned about shopping in Tocuaro.'




