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Church of England Primary School

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In English the children wrote

some fantastic diary entries

based on the book Explorer.


They had to imagine being

lost in the Amazon Rainforest

and making a meal out of

grubs - Yum!

In R.E. this term we are learning about the Holy Trinity. This week we looked at the story of Jesus baptism and explored how to recognise all three members of the Trinity in the bible passage.

In Computing we are learning about stop frame animation. Last week we made flip books using post-it notes. This week we were learning about frames and we used the programme 2:Animate on Purple Mash to create our own animations.

In Art this term we are learning skills and techniques in line drawing and painting. We are building towards creating our own piece of rainforest art, inspired by the work of Henri Rousseau. This week we practised sketching tree and leaf shapes.
