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Friday 1st May


Good morning everyone and Happy Friday!


I cannot believe that another week has gone by so quickly and that we are now already in the month of May. Unfortunately the weather has decided to take a turn for the worse, but fingers crossed the sun will be back with us for the weekend.


Below you will find this week's spelling test and your new words to learn during next week. Don't forget to check over your 3/4 and 5/6 spelling lists too, and to look up any of this week's words that you don't know.


Stay safe.


Mrs Godden x


This week's spellings (Some Year 7 words to stretch you this week):























This week's spelling test

Wednesday 29th April

Good Morning Oak Class!


I hope you are all ok and working hard at home. It has been great to hear from you and see the work you have been doing, but there are some of you we are not hearing from so frequently. Please could you or your parents send a weekly email copied to both of us either on our teacher emails (, fionagodden@elham.kent.sch .uk)  or Purple Mash. We will give feedback on any work you send us and of course are here to answer any questions you might have about the work.

Keep up the hard work, keep smiling and stay safe!


Mrs Short xx



Elias's Cookery Pictures - Looks yummy Elias!

A message from Mrs Short

Still image for this video


Tuesday 28th April


Good morning everyone!


What a novelty to see rain after such a long time. My garden was desperate for rain, so it is very welcome (as long as it doesn't stay too long).



I was thinking that some of you may be missing Music lessons with Mrs Hickman, so if you would like to do some music, you can use the Charanga website which she uses with you in class. Click on this link to take you straight to the Yumu page -

Log in using your Username and Password from the Excel spreadsheet below. Once logged in, you will see a variety of units assigned to Oak Class. Have a look around and try one which you like the look of. If you would like me to add Beginner lessons for a specific instrument, let me know and I can do this for you.


We have seen (and heard) some great work coming in from you all, so below you will see some of the latest things we have all been up to.


Keep up the great work and stay safe.


Mrs Godden x


Charanga Logins for Oak Class

Sarah's New Zealand Cookery and HTML Poem, Theo's Easter Collage and Ivy's HTML Poem (which she wrote herself!)

Theo reciting his 'If I were a king' poem

A short message from Mrs Godden

Still image for this video

Monday 27th April


Happy Monday Oak Class!


We hope you enjoyed the lovely sunny weekend and are ready to return to some learning now. Please remember that you don't have to do absolutely everything, but try to do a little English and Maths each day - you don't have to complete everything in each lesson, just enough to ensure you have understood what you are learning.


English and Maths

As usual, daily plans can be found below.


Here is the science and topic work Mrs Short would like you to complete this week:



You should by now have all started your projects on a specific country- If you need to catch up on the tasks set do so when you can. Remember your project can be handwritten,done on the computer or as a powerpoint presentation- its up to you!

This week I would like you to find out about the wildlife in your country- what are the native species. You can either choose one animal and find out about it more than one if you want to - don't do hundreds though!



This week you are learning more about the circulatory system. I have downloaded the resources below - take your pick of the activities and remember the worksheets vary in difficulty from one star (easier) to three stars (hardest). 


And these are the lessons from Mrs Godden:



We are continuing with Salvation in RE. This weeks Learning Question is 'What Evidence is there for the beliefs about the death and resurrection of Jesus in Christian songs? There is a lesson plan attached below, along with some print-outs you can use in your work if you wish.



We are starting a new unit this week on writing HTML code. HTML is the language used to create webpages and you are going to learn the basics of creating web content. The unit is designed so that you can self-teach and it includes lots of mini units. You can take your time and do a couple each week. You should be able to complete this by the end of this term.


Simply go to and log in using the details which you can find on the spreadsheet of Usernames and Passwords below. Once you have logged on, you will see all the units assigned to you and you can work through them at your own speed.



Please continue with the Duolingo assignments I have set for you. If you haven't started yet, please try to do a little this week. Duolingo is great fun - I am using it myself now to learn and practise Italian.


Have a great week everyone. Just contact us if you need any help.


Stay safe.


Mrs Short and Mrs Godden xx



English and Maths - Monday 27th April

English and Maths - Wednesday 29th April

English and Maths - Friday 1st May
