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Church of England Primary School

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Term 4

Week 4

Week ending 19.3.21


What have we learned this week?


'I learned to read and spell words with the 'ble' ending.'

'I learned my 3 x table.'

'I learned to read and spell words with the alternative spelling for 'er'.

'I learned how to write noun phrases.'

'I learned how to use fronted adverbials (time connectives).'

'I learned to write the beginning, middle and end of the story about the bears coming to Elham School.'

'I learned to match arrays with the corresponding multiplication and addition equations.'

'I learned how to make a bar chart, how to input data and answer questions from it.'

'I learned about The Easter Story and showed how I would feel at certain points in the story.'

'I learned about our VIPs - our families.'

'I logged into the computer and did a Star Reader assessment.'

'I learned how to play basketball.'

'I took a quiz about 'Your a bad man, Mr. Gum.'




