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Church of England Primary School

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What another busy week for Silver Birch class! It was lovely to catch up with you all via zooom for parents evening at the beginning of the week and we thank you for your support with your children's learning.

A lot of you were asking about the times tables tests we do and resources to help so we have put all of this information on here for you. You will find it under the star called 'Times Tables' on the front Silver Birch page. We hope you find this useful.

In maths this week the children have been looking at multiples of 5, pairs of 2 digit numbers that equal 100 and subtracting by counting up. They have also continued to practice telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes and attempted some time problems. If you have an analogue clock at home do ask your children to tell you the time, it can be quite a tricky concept for some so any practice can really help.

In English the children have been using descriptive techniques in their writing and identifying the features of historical stories and texts before planning their own. They also continued their work on writing instructions and began to build a model roundhouse which they will then use to write a set of instructions for next week. It was probably the messiest English lesson ever with clay everywhere, but great fun! Have a look at the photos below.

Science saw the children investigating reflective surfaces and we have linked this to DT this term where the children are going to be designing and making their own torch. Today we explored different torches - materials they are made from, who might use them and the type of switch.

The children studied Christmas according to John in RE and discussed the responsibilites of individuals in PSHE.

We hope you have a lovely weekend! 

Building a roundhouse.

Researching torches.
