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Term 5

Week 1

Welcome back to a warmer, but very short new term.  This week in Maths we learnt about negative numbers, and did some data handling tasks.  In English, we started our new text, Kaspar the Prince of Cats, which is related to our new topic - The Titanic.  Year 3 started Forest school whilst Year 4s did some extra Maths! In Science we began a new topic; Changing Materials, and looked at different properties of materials.

Week 3


This week we edited and evaluated other people's diary entries.  We found their mistakes and suggested ways they could improve words and sentences.  In Maths we started to estimate the answers to calculations using rounding.  In RE we looked at what was on a Puja tray in Hinduism, and how the items are used for worship.  We investigated what materials would be the most effective for insulating a lunchbox in Science.  

Week 4

We started the week doing some data questions in Maths, and testing electrical conductors in Science.  In English  we described one of the main character's antics from our text, Kaspar the Price of cats, and some of the children admitted to some of the antics that they get up to at home!  Using background knowledge is a reading skill we encourage.  Year 4s finished their last SRE lesson, so now know a bit more about puberty.  On Wednesday we did some acting.  At the end of the week we did scaling in Maths - how we can change a recipe depending on the amount of people that we have.  We looked at duties that Hindus follow to lead a good life in RE.

Week 5


Last week of term already! We've filled the week up with completing correspondence problems in Maths, debating dilemmas in English and learning what Moksha is in RE.  In Topic, the children worked really hard investigating the layout of the Titanic and what made each part of it spectacular and memorable.  For our end of term WOW day, we began to create sock puppets - using sewing techniques.

Enjoy the half term break.
