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Church of England Primary School

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We have had another busy week with the children becoming more settled as time goes on. We have had a bit of time to get to know them individually and are finding their true characters are shining through now. Our day is structured mostly as it will be throughout the year now and the children are getting to know the order of the day. This week we have started learning our sounds 's' 'a' 't', we use cued articulation so the children will be making signs with their hands and trying to form the sounds correctly. Please try to use pure sounds with your children. It is 'ssssss' and not 'suuur' It really helps to get this right.

We have also been learning the language heavier and lighter and practically weighing items to test out our predictions.

We have been thinking about Harvest and what this means for us and why we give thanks for the abundance of food we are lucky enough to enjoy. 

We had a celebration of lots of lovely fruit today by making a fruit salad. Most of the children enjoyed it or at least tried a little bit. We looked at the diversity of colours and thought about the names of the different fruits.