14.9.21 Samphire Hoe Trip
The children have had another busy week and have continued to work hard.
What a great start on Monday with the trip to Samphire Hoe. The children enjoyed themselves very much and their behaviour was excellent.
The week finished with the school Harvest Festival in church where the children performed a poem and showed pictures they had drawn to illustrate each verse. Well done Silver Birch, you were fantastic!
We are continuing to read our story Stone Age Boy in English and use it to develop our writing. We have been thinking about the different word classes and how we can use different words to make our writing far more interesting and really paint a picture for the reader. We will continue with this next week.
Thank you to those parents (and children) who joined us for our virtual meet the teacher meeting on Wednesday. We hope it was of use to you and we will upload the video soon for those who missed it.
As discussed in the meeting it was decided that the children will hand in their spelling sheets each week when completed by Wednesday. This way we can ensure everyone is doing some spelling practice. Also please remember to continue practising times tables and read for at least 10 minutes each night. We really appreciate your support with this and it makes a real difference.
Finally, have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.
Mrs Slingsby and Mrs Strover