Term 2
Week 3
Week ending 19.11.21
What have we learned this week?
'I learned the alternative graphemes ( 'ai', 'ay , 'a-e', 'a' and 'ey') for the 'ai' phoneme.'
'I practised the Nativity Play, 'It's a Baby!'.
'I finished my story of 'The Enormous Turnip'.'
'I listened to the story of 'Fox, Beware' and could see the pattern of the seasons.'
'I learned how to double numbers.'
'I learned how to halve numbers.'
'I could explain the needs of pets.'
'I made a symmetrical pattern with 2D shapes on a butterfly template.'
'I know that doubling is the opposite of halving.'
'I used my senses to investigate different types of chocolate and then I ranked them 1st, 2nd and 3rd.'