Welcome back to Term 4, we hope that you've had a restful week and are re-charged ready for another term full of fun learning.
This week in maths we continued with our fraction learning studying fractions greater than 1, and what the terms improper and mixed numbers mean. We know that we need to use or times tables facts to help us with converting between the two. In English we have nearly finished creating our non-chronological reports about WW2 using the Publisher program to make them look interesting and effective. We started our 'Forces and magnets' unit in science focusing this week on what is a force, and what actions involve a push or a pull (or both) to make objects move. In French we are learning vocabulary this term based on ordering food and drink in a Cafe. We started this week by learning and asking for different drinks that we enjoy during Le Petit-Dejeuner.
We hope you have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Hall and Miss Laslett