This week we started our new text in English; The Boy with the Bronze Axe. We described dilemmas, character similarities and differences and dramatic events. In Maths we continued using mental strategies to calculate, some formal written addition methods and perimeter. In RE, we looked at some Bible texts that describe God and discussed how good and loving he is. Some questions were raised for example, sending a flood, his son dying for the sake of mankind, why wars take place and why people suffer fatal illnesses. Does this make him a bad God; what were his reasons behind these 'punishments'? In computing we edited images by placing our faces on different characters; some of these did make us laugh! 'Dans ma trousse...' (In my pencil case...) were sentences we wrote during our French lesson. In Topic, we were introduced to the Bronze Age and how advanced they were compared to those in the Stone Age. Good listening was the theme in PSHE and learning about how the human body changes during puberty in Science.
Well done to the children who completed their homework this week; less children attended the lunchtime homework club! Don't forget to keep adding to your reading records and handing them in.
Have a lovely, if wet, weekend!