Here are next weeks spellings. The spelling challenge for these spellings will be on Thursday 20 October because of our WOW day on Friday 21 October.
Star of the Week
This weeks Star of the Week is Ella. We are really impressed with your positive attitude towards your learning. Well done Ella!
Table of the Week
Monkeys are Table of the Week this week. Don't forget to bring your show and tell in on Monday.
The children enjoyed a brilliant dance workshop with Laura today (apologies for the sound quality...not sure what happened but you can at least see the children's amazing dancing!)

This week we have been finding out about Chinese New Year. The children have been making dragon collages. The dragon is very important in China and symbolises wisdom and power.
PE was on the field today. Some great tag rugby today Willows!
In English we are continuing with our story Ocean Meets Sky. The children spent some time looking at this picture of Finn and Grandpa and then discussed and identified a range of adjectives to describe Grandpa. The children then built noun phrases to describe Grandpa and how special how is for any visitors that may come into our class.
Today the children have been working in pairs to find the objects in Grandpa's study use prepositions to describe their location. The children then looked at these two pages and discussed why one is in black and white and the other in colour. We realised one is in the past and one is in the present. The children then imagined they were Finn sitting in Grandpa's study and wrote a diary entry in the present tense to describe what Finn would see around him and how he might feel.