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Church of England Primary School

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Term 1

Parent Sessions Phonics

Here is the information from yesterday's session. It was great to see so many of you. I hope the session helped with your understanding of the expectation in Foundation Stage and how we try to achieve it.

Useful websites

Development Matters - The document which outlines the ages and expectations. 

Jane Passy - Cued Articulation - Helping children to remember and form the sounds correctly.

Letters and Sounds - The order which we teach the sounds.

Jolly Phonics - The songs we use

ICT Games - Lots of fun learning games

Phonics Play - Fun games to help with blending and sounding out when the children know a few sounds.

Week 7

What a way to end Acorn's first term in school! It has been very busy but lots of fun. We kicked off the week with poet Tony Peek, then Ian from Kic Theatre took us on an imaginary dinosaur journey. Tales from the Book of Life gave us a lovely relaxing interlude with traditional story telling and harp music. Steve Skinner then delighted the children with his witty, wordy rhymes. To end the week the energetic Andrew Clover took us on an inspirational ' Going on a Dinosaur Hunt'. Fabulous! In addition to all of that we learnt some new sounds, tried to write then down and even had some time to make dinosaur  biscuits. Have a lovely week Acorns I think we all deserve a rest.

Week 6

We had our first PE session today. We learnt that we need to sit in a space so that we don't bump into other people. We looked at our hands and our feet and named the different parts. We also did some balancing on one hand and one foot, it was quite tricky. We now know that when we exercise our bodies get warmer and our hearts beat faster.

Week 4

Acorn class have started to learn our sounds this week, we have learnt 's' 'a' 't' and are beginning to blend these sounds in to words. Remember to use the pure sounds.

We had a great time exploring our forest school area. Its a shame that it started to rain, but I don't think anyone was too worried. 

Week 3

This week we have looked are our class identities from Acorn class all the way up to Oak class. We have looked at the trees our classes are named after and watched a film of an acorn as it germinates and grows. Unfortunately it is a bad year for acorns, we normally like to plant them and grow our own little trees. If you can find any bring them in. We also had a go at writing our names and making them in play dough and lots and lots of practical counting and songs. We met the Bishop of Dover on Friday, and when we discussed his visit we concluded that we liked his purple 'dress' ooops!

Term 1 Week 2

Acorn class are continuing to settle in. They are learning the routine of the school day and where things are in school. We had our first school dinners on Monday. The children sat really nicely and ate their food sensibly. We have had another good week weather wise and have been able to go outside which I think the children really enjoy. We have been tuning in our listening skills in preparation for starting our phonics learning. It's amazing what you car hear when you are really quiet. 

Term 1 Week 1

What a fabulous start the Acorns have had! From day one when the children walked onto the playground they have been fantastic! There have been no tears and all are really happy to come into school and begin to learn all of the new routines. The good weather has meant that we have been playing both inside and outside with the children having a great time, and us adults getting to know what they enjoy doing. Hopefully you can see from the photos that they are having lots of fun. Well done for a really good start.
