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Church of England Primary School

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WOW day!

We have had an amazing WOW day today. A castle appeared in our class this morning which the children enjoyed playing in (so did the grown ups!)



Here are some pictures of the children's amazing castles!
The children have made these beautiful Easter baskets and decorated eggs. 


The children have been very creative as we have looked at Journey this term:  they have used folding and cutting skills to create lanterns and boats, printed with leaves, feathers and bark to make feathers for the phoenix and taken rubbings from the path to create stone effects for the castle wall.

The children had the last of their basketball skills lessons today.  Some are getting really good at dribbling the ball!  Next term they will be learning the skills for rounders.
We dyed eggs in onion skins and used stickers to make patterns on the eggs.  These eggs will need to be thrown away after a while - definitely not edible!!!