Welcome back to term 4! I can't believe we're already half way through the school year! I hope everyone had a restful break despite the crazy weather.
We got straight back into learning yesterday with some more work on using 100 squares and empty numberlines to help us to subtract - some children still have difficulty with their number bonds, so any practise at home would be really useful - just put some fingers down and see how many you have left!
In English we have met a new character in our story and today we used fronted adverbials to up-level the descriptions we wrote yesterday.
PE continues on Wednesdays - mornings this term, so please remember to wear correct school PE kit to school on Wednesday for "ball skills".
Children are expected to read with an adult every day and we need to see evidence of this in their Reading Records, which should be brought to school every Monday please.
Times Tables tests continue every Wednesday and children should practise at their own level - see separate tab above for more information and activities for your child.
Spellings are set every Friday and tested the following Friday. Children should practise these at home ready for their test. If you have lost the list you can find all the spellings for each term on the tab above.
As usual, if you have any concerns, please contact the office, or either of us on the playground at the end of the day.
Mrs Strover and Mrs Cronin