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Church of England Primary School

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Friday 17th September 2021


Hello Everyone


We are delighted to say that all the Year 6 children have settled in really well in Oak Class and are working hard across all our curriculum subjects.  Each child will have their favourite subject(s), of course, but as long as they try their best at everything, we are happy.


This week in our learning we have (amongst other things):


  • Revised types of angles and investigated what the angles in a triangle and a quadrilateral add up to
  • Learnt about different types of pronouns and where they are used.
  • Listened to and discussed the song 'Happy' by Pharell Williams in music
  • Practised our rugby ball passing skills
  • Begun learning about the Ancient Greeks - where Ancient Greece was located and a timeline of Greek history
  • Demonstrated that we can search for specific information and choose the most suitable websites for information, photos and videos.
  • Consolidated our knowledge of school subjects in French
  • Continued our investigation of light in Science


So, as you can see, it has been a very busy week!


Please don't forget that the children will be going to St Mary's Church next Friday for our Harvest Festival.  Food donations are always very welcome and will be sent to The Rainbow Centre after the service. Any donations brought in may be left of the stage.


Have a super weekend everyone.


Best wishes


Mrs Short and Mrs Godden

