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Wednesday 17th June


Hello Oak Class - How lovely to see those of you who are still at home on Zoom this morning! 

We will send you the link for the music Zoom tomorrow so you can all join in with that as well.


In class this week I have set a writing challenge.


This year because you were on your residential we did not enter the BBC '500 Words' writing competition, so instead we have decided to have a Year 6 500 Words contest - there will be prizes!!


The task is simple - you will write a story on any theme or genre you want, but it cannot be longer than 500 words! (When writing in Word you will see your word count at the bottom left of the screen.)


We started in class yesterday by looking at the BBC '500 Words' website. There are loads of stories on there, some of them read by celebrities and you can also read this year's winners which were announced last week. Use the stories for inspiration but make sure yours is original! 

Have a look at the link below and enjoy reading the stories, planning and writing your own.


We would like the finished stories sent to us by Friday 26th June and don't forget to give your story a title and to include your name too.


We are looking forward to reading your work!


Mrs Short and Mrs Godden xx






Monday 15th June


Hello Oak class!


This morning those of you who are in school watched the videos by Richard Navarro in preparation for our virtual performance of Sure Together with the RSC schools. We will be having a zoom lesson with Richard on Thursday and recording after that.Those of you at home can use the links below to access the videos and have a practice! Don't worry about the date he gives for recording - it has changed!

If you were at school today use the videos to help learn the song and rehearse our bits!


Enjoy your singing!


Mrs Short xx

Monday 15th June


Good morning Oak Class at home!


Today we welcome back into the classroom Theo and Ivy. We are very excited to have them back with us and we are also looking forward to Lucas, Rosa and Saoirse joining us next week.  


Our transition lessons are continuing this week, and on Wednesday morning Mrs Short and I are really looking forward to catching up with those of you still at home via Zoom. Remember to look at the first three slides of Mrs Short's PowerPoint presentation before Wednesday and to write down any questions or concerns you have so that you can discuss them with us.


We also have another exciting event happening on Thursday when we will all be taking part in an RSC workshop, also via Zoom, to learn the song which we were introduced to in Term 4. Once we have learnt and recorded it, it will be edited together will all the other schools taking part to make a video of us all singing. It should be wonderful, so don't forget to join us online on Thursday morning at 11.15am.


As you, this week's lessons can be found below.


Have a great week everyone.


Mrs Godden xx



If you haven't yet completed last week's spelling test, please log in to Purple Mash and click on your 2Dos where you will find the test for 12.06.2020. Good luck!


This week's spellings (yet more Year 7 words!):
























We are continuing with our lessons on The Kingdom of God and this week we will be looking at what Christian hymns tell us about what Christians believe this should be like. This week's lesson will be uploaded shortly.



If you have completed both lessons one and two from 'Moi dans le monde', then you are slightly ahead of where we are in class, so you don't need to do any French this week. If you still want to do some French, you can continue with Duolingo or choose one of these projects: (Scroll down to Home Learning Lessons.)

If you haven't done the first two lessons of Moi dans le monde, then please try to do at least lesson one this week. 



This week, you will be learning how to use Excel to carry out lots of calculations very easily. You will be creating your own times tables spreadsheet from scratch. Find your lesson plan below.

Computing - Excel Spreadsheets Lesson Three

Spelling Sheet for week beginning 15.06.20
