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Term 3

Week 1


Welcome back and Happy New Year!

This week we have started our fractions in Maths, begun reading African Tales in English and started learning about questionnaires in computing.  In PE we have begun doing Gymnastics and in RE, learning who Moses was in Christianity.

We have started our African topic, writing some diary entries and painting African silhouette pictures.

Phew - what a start to term 3 already!!


Week 2


Miss Boyle begun the week by teaching us about Jason Pollock and the creative artwork that he has produced.  We then went outside to have a go at doing our own wonderful (sorry about the mess!!) masterpieces.  We've been thinking about how to write character's feelings in our creative writing, where some of us focused on a 'show not tell' technique.  In Maths we get to choose the level of activity we want to start at depending on how confident we feel with the task.  We're also using lots of reasoning to explain our understanding.  We looked at how to write effective questions in computing, making sure they were relevant to the topic and not confusing for the participant. 




Week 3 - Multisports 3 Hills Event


As you can see from the photos, we all had great fun at this non-competitive event.  We were split into 3 teams and our team names were; Determination, Honesty and Self-belief.  We had an opportunity to play 7 different sports throughout the day - most we had never played before such as Seated Basketball and Boccia.  Everyone tried their best, and at the end of the day each person had to nominate a member of their team who had shown their team-name value during the games.  Well done to Owen, Jack and Joanna for being those winners and to the rest of the class for being well behaved and for showing good sportsmanship.  

Week 4 - Using instruments to explore pitch in Science

Week 4 - Using Smarties to explore Fractions in Maths (and got to sample a few for flavour!)

Week 5 -Another excuse to eat chocolate in a Maths lesson - Equivalent fractions

Week 6 - Maths Learning Together Event

Science - Soundproofing

We investigated what the best material would be to soundproof a music studio.  We found that cotton wool and sponges absorbed the most sound.  Can you explain why this is?