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Church of England Primary School

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In our last week of this term we had Sir Linkalot come to visit the school and show us lots of fun and useful links to help us with our spellings.  We watched the Iron Giant film, which is an adapted story of the text we've been reading.  We had to make comparisons between the two different styles.  In computing we finished our podcasts and listened to each others.  They were really good considering the background noise, which couldn't be helped!  A special shout out to Fintan, Flynn and Jacob for being really informative, funny and interesting.  We did a music lesson based on the Music of the Spheres from Iron Man.  We imagined what space would sound like, and used percussion instruments and our voices to create a performance.   

We hope you have a lovely half term week.  Carry on practising your times tables and reading your books.
