Morning all,
This is the last week of Term 5. We're sure that you are all looking forward to a little break from home schooling next week. We won't be setting any extra work over half term, but instead if you'd like, have a look over Term 5's activities and see if there's anything that you've missed that you could have a go at doing. There's also the online webistes such as Purple Mash, Prodigy, TT Rockstars and Scratch that you can continue with, also keep reading as much as you can.
This week's learning is very practical based. Have fun with the activities, and we look forward to seeing pictures of your work and your creations.
Please email us if you have any concerns or questions. We're at the end of a laptop or a phone during our work days.
Take care,
Mrs Hall and Mrs Hams :)
Spelling Homework (Sorry Mrs Hams forgot to upload on Friday)
Monday 18th May- Maths and English
Tuesday 19th May- Maths and English
Wednesday 20th May- English and Maths
Thursday 21st May -English and Maths
Friday 22nd May- English and Maths
Science- Metamorphosis
Spellings- New for this week
Art - Using collage
Continuing to use the art work of Henri Rousseau, study his famous 'surprise' piece called, Tiger in a tropical storm.
Watch this video to explore the picture further, perhaps have your own copy to annotate words, questions, thoughts and feelings around it.
Think about what perspective and 3D means (look at online videos and PPTs)
Explore what the word 'collage' means. How collage can create different background effects. What different ways of collage can we use? Tearing, overlapping and layering.
Use your drawing from last week, or create a new one of your own. Use the concept of collage to create your own masterpiece. What materials do you have in your house that you could use?
Newspapers, magazines, foil, material, clean food wrappers - be as adventurous and creative as you can with the limited resources you may have at home.
I look forward to seeing what you have created.
Fench- What did he eat?
DT - Creating a salad
Plan and create your own salad dish.
Look at some recipes online. Think carefully about your ingredients. Consider:
* Homegrown
* Local produce
* Seasonal
* Proteins (meat, nuts)
* Dairy (Cheese)
* Dressing
* Theme
* Colours
* Textures
Give your salad a name. Write a recipe for your salad, include the ingredients, equipment and a method. Take a photo and email it to me for the website.
If you cannot get the ingredients, still write the recipe and draw a picture - labelling the different componenets of your dish.
PSHE - Always learning
Use the PPT to explore how we learn and what learning means to you.
Take one of the quotes from the balloon and create an inspirational poster/ picture for this quote.
Complete the survey about your learning and share your answers with someone. You could always email me what you think about learning.
RE - What do people believe about God in the world today?
Think of some questions that you may have about God.
What do you find mysterious about God?
• Linking thinking: Ask pupils to write the three words baptism, prayer and Trinity in circles at the edges of a large piece of paper, and draw lines to connect them, writing as many connections as they can between the Bible stories and texts they have looked at, Christian ideas about God and their learning about baptism.
• Express it yourself: Develop, through discussion, the pupils’ understanding of the trinity, and give them a chance to express it in symbols and art — use a triangle, a triptych or a three-piece Venn diagram and ask pupils to design a work of art for a church called ‘Holy Trinity’. (There will be one not too far from you — there are many hundreds in the UK.) Ask them to write a short piece to explain their artwork and the ‘big idea’.
Miles' Grandma's summer salad recipe. Looks delicious and a very well written recipe. Great layout, use of conjunctions and imperative verbs.