Term 4
Weeks 1 and 2
The children have made us so proud the way they have settled back into school life and routine! It is so lovely teaching to children rather than to screens!
We have been very busy as usual! We have had plenty of discussions; talking about our feelings throughout the day and having 'Power Pauses' to give our brains a break and a refresh. However, all lessons have resumed as normal.
In English we made picture books about the Elham bears that we hope to be able to share with KS1 once we can mix again in the Summer. In Maths, we have been solving number problems using factors, scaling and balanced equations. We have also been doing some measure and recapping of time. In RE, Salvation has been the concept and we have explored why Good Friday is called this when such a sad thing happened. We have also investigated ways different Christians mark the Easter events. In Topic we learnt about Viking travel and why they invaded Britain. On a Monday afternoon we have teamed up with Beech class (virtually) to investigate board games, and have designed our own. In Science, we have been exploring different rocks; their features and properties. Basketball is the sport that we have been learning about in PE. In PSHE we have been learning about the diversity of Britain and how we are a democratic country.
Please continue to learn spellings, read and practice times tables at home. Purple Mash can still be accessed for further learning activities.
See you all on Monday and have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Hall and Mrs Slingsby
The Battle of Hastings Drama
We have really enjoyed being back at school and have been so busy with our learning and appreciating being together again. We have finished our book, 'The Anglo-Saxon boy' and concluded the reading with a freeze frame drama activity where we recreated the Battle of Hastings. We have been completing lots of number problems and puzzles that have really got our brains whizzing! In RE we have been thinking about why Good Friday is good. We made some lovely Easter and Spring weaved cards and baskets for our treats. In Science we made some fossils that looked really realistic.
Have a lovely break and see you all next term.