Friday 25th June 2021
Hello Everyone!
Well, we have had a very busy week as usual. We have managed to fit in play practice most days and we are beginning to get more confident with our lines. If everyone could be word perfect by Monday, that would make life easier for us all as we need to be filming by the end of next week in order to get the production edited and ready for our premiere before the end of term. Mrs Vincent has got all the costumes ready and washed ready for our first dress rehearsal.
Mrs Cooper was with us again this week and we talked about bullying and school rules. She mentioned two very useful websites which help both children and parents/guardians with bullying - especially of the online kind. Links to both can be found below.
Following last week's Book Week, we have been creating best copies of our writing, including illustrating our work. There have been some beautiful artworks created, so well done everyone. We have also being using our imaginations to design theme parks and logos for them in our Theme Park Maths project. Once each pair has completed their designs as well as all their costings to see whose park makes the most money, there will be prizes for the best design, best logo and the most amount of money made. Our logos look absolutely fab - have a look below.
Finally, in RE we we looking at Christian places of worship (cathedrals in particular) and how they can be built and used for 'the glory of God'. Did you know that there is a cardboard cathedral in Christchurch, New Zealand, built after part of their original cathedral fell down following a major earthquake? Or that there is a 'Cathedral of trees' in Milton Keynes with the same footprint as a stone-built cathedral? Neither did we! There are some pictures below of both these unusual places of worship if you are curious to see them.
We've only got three weeks left, but have lots of fun activities to fit in before the end of term.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Mrs Godden and Mrs Short
P.S. Don't forget to return your class photo orders by Wednesday 30th June.
Our Theme Park Maths Logos