Gallery 2015-2016
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Video of the children at the O2 January 2016

Happy Christmas
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Serita Solomon (Team GB Hurdler)
We had a visit from Serita Solomon on Thursday 22nd October. She talked to us about her career and then showed us some exercises that she does to help her be so good!
The whole school then took part in sponsored circuit training to raise money for the school and to support Team GB on their road to the Rio Olympics next year.
Serita Solomon training exercises


Tales from the book of life
For our book we we were lucky enough to welcome three amazing musicians who put music to some wonderful stories. They talked about how their instruments worked and how they were made. They then told many wonderful stories using the sounds of their instruments to enhance the tales. It was a magical experience!
For our WOW day at the end of term five, the children chose a variety of activities-
Acorns had a day dedicated to Princesses, Knights and Dragons.
Willows had a celebration banquet followed by puppet making.
Silver-birch made animals that they had been creating in literacy during term 5.
Beech had a day of sports- they designed their own games using limited apparatus.
Oaks worked on their end of year performance and also dissected animal organs.
It was an exciting day for all the children and we thank the staff for their efforts and organisation.
Easter Bonnets and Eggs
Easter bonnet and egg competition winners
Red Nose Day 2015
On Wednesday 4th of March we had a visit from the Shepway Sports Trust. They talked about what they will be offering children in our area and outlined some of the activities they will be doing with our school.
As part of their visit James Sheridan, who is the British and European Sports Bike Champion gave a demonstration and answered questions to inspire the children. James has been competing in the sport of Bike Trials for 10 years now and has achieved some great results. In this time James has been sponsored by some of the biggest bike trial brands in the world. James is proud to be a Shepway Sports Trust Ambassador and is committed to inspiring young people to take up sport.
At our Christmas Fair, each class set up and led activities for other children to do. They were really imaginative: find the Golden Nose of Olaf the Snowman, adopt a Jelly Baby and Snowman Skittles to name but a few!
Cakes and teas and coffee were also a big hit on a cold afternoon!
Road Safety Week (17th - 23rd November 2014)
On Wednesday afternoon, our Road Safety Officers went out with the Speed Watch Team and Police to monitor the traffic speed on the approach to the school. The teams were able to show them how the machines worked and the process of prosecuting drivers that speed. The children were able to speak to drivers that were speeding and it seemed to have the desired effect. Two drivers that were pulled over were doing 41mph and 43mph. They avoided a ticket but their details will be logged with the Speed Watch Team and the Police.
Reach For The Sky
To welcome our new Head Teacher, Mr File, to our school, we had a balloon launch encouraging our children to "Reach for the Sky!" Mr File gave all the children a balloon and encouraged them to write a prayer, dream or wish for the future on a bio-degradable label.. Balloon labels were returned from as far away as Belgium!
Harvest in Church
We visit the Church as often as possible and Harvest is a tradition that we always uphold. The children sang about Harvest, wrote poems and performed short extracts linked to the festival.