Silver Birch
Week 1 - This week has been great fun getting to know each other with lots of introductions, facts and stories about ourselves. It has been wonderful to hear all of these. We have ended our week with a great deal of hard work and success so well done to our New Silverbirch.
Look forward to seeing you all next week!
Thursday 8th September 2016
Cave Paintings!
As an introduction to our Topic this term, The Stone Age, we all got under our tables where Mrs Hall had stuck paper to the bottom of our trays. We were pretending to be cave men, drawing on the walls. It was a little bit scary for some of us, but good fun, and even Mr File joined in! We wasn't expecting it to be so difficult!
Week 2 - This week we have come back to school full of enthusiasm and ready to learn. We have concentrated on our story for English 'The Twits' which we are thoroughly enjoying. We have been finding all the fantastic adjectives to describe the main characters. In Maths, we have continued to learn 2D shape names and the mathematical language we can use to describe them. Can you tell your families any of these?
Silverbirch were in charge this week for the assembly prayers and we loved writing these and sharing our reflections with the rest of the school.
We have been really lucky to have a specialist PE coach to teach us a new sport called 'Pop Lacrosse' which is great fun and we have been learning a whole range of new skills, challenging ourselves individually and in teams.
Can't wait to see you all next week!!!
Homework 1
Tuesday 20th September 2016
Food Tasting.
Today we were learning how to write a metaphor like the one Roald Dahl uses to describe Mr Twit's beard; A Hairy Jungle! We had bowls of different food to sample, using our senses to inspire our descriptions. Some of us discovered that we liked avacado, and we all certainly enjoyed the chocolate buttons and strawberry laces. We came up with some marvelous metaphors such as, Tomatoes are bulging red blisters, and the rice is old wriggly maggots. Enjoy the pictures of us eating our way through our English lesson!
Week 3 This week we have carried on reading further into our class book of 'The Twits'. The children enjoyed a fabulous food tasting session connected with the book producing some marvelous yet disgusting metaphors. In Maths, we have continued to learn about shape and have concentrated on 3D shapes and describing their properties including PRISMS. Can you tell somebody what a prism is?
Science this week involved learning the order of the planets. Can you remember our mnemonic to order the planets accurately?
It has been a very enjoyable week with plenty of smiles and laughter. See you all same time,same place, next week!!
Week 4 - In Maths, we have been exploring our number bonds up to 30. Can you remember any to tell your parents? We have also been learning about analogue and digital times and matching the two together. What is an analogue clock?
In Literacy, we have been writing play scripts all about 'The Twits'. We have thoroughly enjoyed the humor of the book and have been trying to put this into our own writing. In line with this, the twits eat many nasty recipes. We have had a food tasting session and designed our own recipes. In Science we looked at the order of the planets again, and made a poster to demonstrate this.
It has been a great week and we can't wait for next week to begin!!
Week 5 - This week we have been continuing with Time and finding the time intervals between events. We have tried ever so hard to spot the key information and solve the problems. Can you solve this?
I set off for a walk at 11.20am and returned home at 1pm. How long was my walk?
In English, we wrote a letter about Cruelty to Animals linked to our Class story of The Twits. The children gave some strong arguments to support their opinions. In Science, we have started to learn about how we get Day and Night. Can you explain this to somebody at home?
It has been a really fun week with lots of successful learning. I hope we come back to school next week with as much eagerness to learn!!!
See you then!
Week 6 - This week we have been thinking about our cave designs linked to our topic on The Stone Age. We are going to be making these next week.
In Maths, we have concentrated on Subtraction using the Column method. We are really getting to grips with this. In English we wrote our own version of the Twits for our HOT TASK. We are excited to read these and share them with each other.
In Science we discussed how we get Day and Night. Can you remember? Could you explain to an adult?
Looking forward to the last week of term which is BOOK WEEK and we have lots of exciting things planned. See you then!
Book Week
Here are some photos and videos from the 2 sessions we have had so far to celebrate Book Week. On Friday 14th October, Ian from KiC Theatre came and did some really exciting activities with us, based on The Twits that we have been reading this term.
On Monday 17th October, The Tales From the Book of Life came with their variety of musical instruments, and told us a really enthralling story.
We hope you enjoy them.


Week 7 - This week we have had a blast! It has been Book Week and we have enjoyed several activities (of which some pictures and videos have been put up for you to see). Today has been Roald Dahl day and we have thoroughly enjoyed the workshop.
Alongside Book Week we have continued with our learning:
In Maths we have been data collecting and learning to put this data in to various forms; pictograms, tables and bar charts. Could you collect any information and record this in a bar chart? In Literacy we have concluded our writing on The Twits but we have loved every minute of it, learning about their nasty tricks and schemes.
We are looking forward to a relaxing half term but cannot wait to come back to school feeling refreshed. We are looking forward to welcoming our new class teacher - Mrs Strover. She will take over the job share and be working Monday and Friday.
I will miss you all and be excited to hear all about what you are getting up to and I am sure I will be popping in every now and then to see you all. Take Care!!! Mrs Everitt
Welcome back to term 2!
We have had a very busy week with tile painting and dance classes today!
This week in English we have been learning about non chronological reports, fiction and fiction. In Science we have been learning about the digestive system in humans - its a bit gorey! In Computing we have begun to design our comic strip which we will be working on this term. In Maths we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes - we even made our own shapes from a net! We enjoyed playing the 2110 shapes game ( We have also been counting in multiples. In RE we are learning about journeys - we are all looking forward to the culmination of this with our Chritams festivities at the end of term! In SPAG we are learning about conjunctions - please see the attached homework sheet for some more practice.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs Hall and Mrs Strover
Thursday 10th November 2016
After the year 3's went swimming this afternoon, the year 4's were surprised with a well deserved treat. We had Josh Kennedy, local boxing champion, come to do some boxing training with us. He showed us a range of skills, fitness moves and taught us about the discipline involved in the sport. Mrs Hall was very impressed with the effort we all put in and the talents that we didn't realise we had! Josh has said that he will come back again very soon to train the rest of the class - we cannot wait!
Another very busy week in Silver Birches class! This week in Literacy we have been writing a non chronological report about the Stone Age. Did you know Stone Age people used to eat chestnuts, stinging nettles and conkers? In Maths we have been halving and doubling (you can practice these on Top Marks!), as well as continuing with our 3D shapes. Don't forget to open up any old cereal boxes and have a look at the nets.
We have been doing lots of sports this week, with swimming, handball and boxing!
This afternoon we were lucky to have a very interesting talk from Mr Shakleton, a veteran of World War 2. He survived his plane being shot down over Berlin, was caught by school children and was imprisoned for 14 months. A true hero.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Hall and Mrs Strover
Cave Dioramas
For the last couple of weeks we have been designing and making a cave diorama from the Stone Age period. We researched what a cave would have looked like, and what may have been inside one. We used a range of materials, including clay and stones and twigs from outside to create a realistic model. They are all on display in the classroom so please come and have a look if you get a moment.
Friday 18th November
We have had another exciting week in Silver Birch class.
On Tuesday we had a visit from Adele, who talked to us about teeth and dental hygiene. Did you know that there are 10.5 teaspoons of sugar in a glass of Ribena?
In Literacy we have been reading the story Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura. Next week we will be writing our own versions of the story.
In Maths we have been learning about multiplication and division and finding number pairs. We have also continued with our 3D shapes and made our own today using straws and plasticine.
We have continued finding out about the digestive system in Science, and this week we did an experiment with bread and saliva - the saliva turns the starch into sugar, so when we had a second piece of bread it tasted slightly sweeter!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Mrs Hall and Mrs Strover
Science Workshop 25.11.16
Friday 25th November
We have been having great fun this morning with our Science workshop - we have looked at plants under a microscope, made popcorn and found out how plants get water through their stems by making our own plants! All the children were very well behaved and really enjoyed these activities - a really great way to learn whilst having fun!
We do not have any Spellings homework this week - please just practice the spellings you have had this term ready for a random test next week.
Have a great weekend and I hope to see you at the Christmas fair next Friday.
Mrs Strover and Mrs Hall
Friday 2nd December
The children have all done very well with their tests this week and we're looking forward to the fair this afternoon!
Friday 9th December
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Silver Birches! Thanks for all your support at the fair last week - it was great to see so many of you. The class really enjoyed watching the infants' nativity this afternoon and we're looking forward to the pantomime next week - don't forget to bring a packed lunch.
Have a great weekend
Mrs Strover and Mrs Hall
Welcome back and Happy New Year! Thank you from all of us for our lovely Christmas gifts - you are all very generous!
Sorry that the homework isn't in its normal format - we have a new printer in school and there were some teething problems! All the children have been given their spelling lists.
It was great to see so many children today despite the weather! Unfortunately we couldn't let the children outside to play today, so make the most of the snow at home! Have a great weekend.
Mrs Strover, Mrs Glass and Mrs Hall.
Friday 20th January
Wow! What an amazing week! Young Voices was a real success according to Mrs Glass - I'm not sure who enjoyed it most - her or the children! Also another sporting success at the Handball tournament for the year 3 and 4 teams - well done. We have been practicing how to shoot goals in netball today and the children have been using their handball skills to help them.
The class assembly on Thursday was another highlight with all the children speaking confidently and acting out the story of Greyfriars Bobby.
Have a restful weekend!
Mrs Strover, Mrs Hall and Mrs Glass

Have a great weekend everyone!
Another great week in Silver Birches! We really enjoyed playing our first netball game this morning!
Have a super weekend and remember to try Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check when you practice your spellings!
Mrs Strover, Mrs Hall and Mrs Glass
Thursday 9th February 2017
Today we looked at the works of Monet, the impressionism artist. We focused on the painting; Water Lily Pond (1899) and discussed the colours and techniques used. We have begun to create our own masterpieces, which we will be finishing next term, but for now we have a sneaky peek at us budding artists in action!
We had great fun in PE today playing benchball - we have some real talent in the class! Everyone has made excellent progress with their skills this term and we look forward to rounders next term, when we'll hopefully be able to get outside more often.
Have a lovely half-term!
Mrs Strover, Mrs Hall and Mrs Glass
Welcome back after half term!
There are no homework books today, as explained in the letter from Mr File. All the children have brought home 3 letters today: one about Home Learning, one about our class trip to Brockhill Country Park and one about Mrs Ferguson's Spring Concert. Spellings to learn are on individual slips which the children have tucked inside their reading books.
We began our Tag Rugby and Rounders this week. Please ensure children have PE kits in school at all times, with clothes suitable for outdoor PE too. If they have a carrier bag with them they can bring home muddy trainers so that they can be cleaned ready for Friday PE which may be in the hall. Many thanks for your understanding.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs Hall, Mrs Glass and Mrs Strover
Well done to all our Gold Award winners this week - lots of children received them today for their super Rivers homework...more to come next week. Well done all!
Spellings lists have been handed out and every child has a named list, so please remember to practice these as well as times tables and reading at least 3 times a week.
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Strover, Mrs Hall and Mrs Glass
Tuesday 14th March 2017 BOUNCE Dance Session

Friday 17th March
Brockhill Country Park River Rangers Trip
On Tuesday 21st March we went to Brockhill Country Park for a day exploring rivers, as part of our topic this term. We were prepared to get wet and we certainly did. But we had great fun and the experience really enhanced our learning. Please enjoy the photos.
Friday 24th March
Wow! What a busy week! The children must be exhausted! (I know the teachers are!). The trip on Tuesday sounds like it was amazing, and the weather was very kind. The children have been dong lots of end of term assessments this week, so we will be able to plan what they need to brush up on for next term.
Have a lovely weekend, and Happy Mother's Day!
Mrs Strover, Mrs Hall and Mrs Glass.
More Brockhill photos,courtesy of Mr Ireland.
Easter/ Spring chocolate nest making and craft afternoon.
Today we made chocolate shredded wheat nest cakes with mini eggs on top. We made some boxes/ baskets to put our cakes into. Mrs Hall let us have a sneaky egg each whilst we were making them and some of us had a cheeky lick of the bowl!
Elham's Got Talent
Wednesday 19th April 2017 - Zoo Lab
Welcome back to Term 5!
List of topics - Term 5
Spellings for this week
Living Land - more photos
Please practice telling the time with your child - we have been doing lots of work on it this week! The children really enjoyed the game on BBC Bitesize:
Thank you for your continued support with our learning.
Have a lovely weekend.
Spellings for this week Friday 19th May.
Spellings for this week
Welcome back to term 6! We have lots of exciting things planned for this term, and have already started learning the songs for the KS2 production.
Please ensure your child has a PE kit in school at all times as we may need them any day, but especially for our PE lessons on Wednesday and Friday.
Spellings for this week:
Tuesday 20th June 2017
Community Project - Age UK afternoon tea.
As part of the school community project that every class is taking part in, we decided to arrange an afternoon tea for people from an older generation. Age UK is a charity based centre in Lyminge that supports elderly people around the local area. We invited them in to our school and asked our parents for donations of cakes. We had 7 people arrive with their carers, and we settled them down in the classroom (we have air conditioning and it was one of the hottest days so far!). The children, under Mrs Glass' supervision, served the teas and cold drinks, and the cakes were placed on the tables for the visitors to help themselves. We then sang a selection of songs that we thought the guests might be familiar with, and they were because they joined in too. After, some children showcased some of their talents, including playing instruments and reading poems. Next, the children served more drinks and had a general chat with the visitors. They were also allowed a cake each! The guests gave us a big thank you afterwards and told us what a wonderful time they'd had. We had also enjoyed ourselves, and felt very proud to have made their afternoon a special one. A huge thank you to all the parents that donated some wonderful cakes. They were appreciated by all involved, and then the leftovers were sold after school to raise money for the Age UK charity.
More photos from our community project
Friday 23rd June
Sports Day! What a perfect day for our sports events this morning! Congratulations to Green Team on your victory! Well done to all the children who took part. We saw some super athletes but also some super sportsmanship.
We have been finding out about the Invictus Games this afternoon and the children are full of enthusiasm for the inspirational athletes.
Spellings for this week:
Friday 30th June
We hope you've had a good week - its been very busy in Silver Birches as usual! We will be doing end of term tests next week so that we can assess your child's progress. There are not any spellings homework this week, but please revise this year's work as there will be a spelling test as part of the assessments. The children have been given a list of the statutory words for years 3 and 4. Please do not panic! This is a guide of what is expected by the government at the end of year 4. Children vary at the speed they learn these, so don't worry if there are lots that are unfamiliar!
Thanks for your continued support
Mrs Strover and Mrs Hall.
The children have worked so hard on all their tests this week. We are very proud of them all! This morning we had lots of fun with the Olympic to follow!
No spellings homework this week, but please keep practising the year 3/4 words list we sent home last week.
Welcome back to Mrs Everitt!
Enjoy the sun and have a great weekend!
Mrs Strover and Mrs Hall
Friday 14th July
Bastille Day! We had great fun in class today learning about French culture, including tasting baguette and brie and brioches.
The children have all been FABULOUS in the KS2 production and all look like they are enjoying every performance too. Congratulations all! Thanks too for parents' support with costumes and making sure the children are in the right place at the right time!
Have a relaxing weekend!
Mrs Strover, Mrs Hall, Mrs Everett and Mrs Glass.