Here are next weeks spellings. The spelling challenge for these spellings will be on Friday 14 October.
Star of the Week
This weeks Star of the Week is Eloise. Well done for working so hard and always trying your best!
Table of the week
Pandas are this weeks Table of the Week. Don't forget to bring in your show and tell on Monday!
In Art today the children have been making shadow puppets of the characters (and props) from The Willow Pattern story. The children will practice the story with the puppets and then perform the story in a shadow puppet theatre at the end of term.
In RE today we have been making the link with Christian ideas about the world as God's creation. What might make God happy about the world and what might make God sad? The children spent some time creating an animal from playdoh and then had to squish their creation! We talked about how it made them feel to squish their creation and discussed why a creator wants their creation looked after.
In English today we started our new focus book Ocean Meets Sky by The Fan Brothers. An old trunk appeared in the classroom labelled 'Grandpa's Stuff', the trunk contained lots of clues for the children to work out the two main characters, the things they may have done together and where they might live.
In PSHE we have been talking about how to stay safe on the roads. We looked at the ways that we can stay safe around roads and what other dangers we need to look out for. We went for a walk around Elham to practise crossing the road safely remembering the words Stop, Look, Listen and Think!
It was a very windy rugby session today!