Week beg: 14.10.24
This week in maths we have continued to use a formal written method (column) to add and subtract numbers up to 7 digits. We used the inverse to check our answers for accuracy. In english we have been researching, planning and starting to write our information leaflets persuading readers to visit Skara Brae. We have found out some interesting facts, such as how they used poo as an insulator in their houses! We finished our science unit of light by completing an investigation into how shadows change when the light source is further away. This helped our understanding of how light travels. In art we finished our colour wheel robot pictures for the gallery, and then started our Pre-historic art unit by exploring their art, and then doing animal line drawings.
We have a student teacher from Christchurch University joining us over the year; Miss Hunt. She will be working with the children and leading some sessions, under our supervision. She is in next week for a few days, and then again after xmas, please do say hello.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Hall and Miss Laslett