The children have sorted out pictures from our story and put them into order and then acted out the story, taking it in turns to be the narrator.
Science was also story based. Half the class planted, half acted out the story of Eric Carle's 'The Tiny Seed' and then we swapped over. We spent most of the afternoon outside, taking advantage of the lovley weather.
"We have made Mezuzas and we have decorated them. We have written a prayer to God and it's going in the Mezuza. You can touch your Mezuza when you come in or out of your house, to remember God."
The children have been learning food preparation skills in DT. We are hoping this will help them during lunch time too as it was all about holding the knife and fork correctly!
We are beginning to feel more confident when identifying the difference between rows and columns. We went on a search outside for 'arrays' that we could see in the environment. We came back to class and had a go at making our own arrays, some of us are still getting a little muddled between a column and a row.
Today we looked at the key features of a seaside holiday from many years ago. Noone had heard of Punch and Judy so we went a little off piste with our learning! We watched a Punch and Judy show and spent the rest of the afternoon making our own puppets and performing our very own puppet shows to the rest of the class.


