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Church of England Primary School

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The Nativity play is creeping into our weekly routine and the children are very excited about the amazing dances Mrs Knight is working on with them!


But we are continuing to work as well... this week the children are learning subtraction in maths, using the part, part, whole model.  In the pictures below you will see them working on their number bonds to ten, which was part of today's warm-up.  I was very impressed!


In RE we have read and watched different versions of the Nativity story  and the children have ordered pictures of the story and written some sentences about them.  


In Computing this week they are using Paint to make a picture in the style of Matisse.  Their winter scenes are already up in the gallery and you will be able to see them when you come in for the Christmas Fayre.


In DT they have made moving pictures using pivots and a wheel mechanism.  They have also enjoyed looking at the different pop-up books.  Next week they will be thinking about a design of their own moving picture for a Christmas card.

"It's beginning to look a lot like christmas"

We think some elves must have come in to school over night, we turned up this morning to find lots of magical lights and decorations! The children were amazed and it was lovely to share in their excitement!


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Our Topic has continued with looking at different celebrations. The children were given a blank timeline of the months of the year and thought about what we celebrate in these months.
