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Church of England Primary School

Respect - Support - Inspire

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It's been lovely being back in school this week.  A huge thank you to Mrs Peglar, Mrs Glass and Mrs Miller for doing an amazing job taking over the class.  Well done to the children that worked so hard and showed great respect to their teachers through their behaviour.

This week, we have been converting between mixed and improper fractions, which then led us to be able to multiply fractions by whole numbers.  In English we wrote formal letters of complaint; we learnt the features of a formal letter, the phrases to use to complain and ways to express the need for change.  In Topic, we created posters advertising the famous landmark; Taj Mahal.  We discovered the history behind the beautiful building. In RE we held a conference where we discussed and shared our thoughts about the ten commandments.  In Science, we made our own telephones using cups and string, and learnt how the sound travels.  On Friday, we had a fun afternoon of tea tasting.  We sampled 6 different Indian teas and rated them on flavour, aroma and taste.  Some of us were real tea buffs and had second tastings.  


Please don't forget to look on Google Classroom for activities to complete during the week if you are unfortunately having to self-isolate.

Afternoon tea tasting (minus the cake!)
