Here are next weeks spellings. The top section of spellings are related to our learning and the bottom section are high frequency and common exception words. The challenge for these spellings will be on Friday 27 January.
Star of the Week
This weeks Star of the Week is Eloise. You always try your best and you are a kind and helpful member of Willow class. We have been so impressed with your Maths this week using coins and notes. Well done Eloise!
Table of the Week
Monkeys are this weeks Table of the Week. Don't forget to bring in your show and tell on Monday!
In English the children looked at a small version of fire by watching the flame on candle (we discussed how big fires are dangerous). We looked at the colour of the flame and discussed the different colours at the top and the bottom of the flame. We looked at what happens if you blow gently across the flame (without blowing it out) and we looked at what happened to the wick when the flame was blown out. The children then used a range of vocabulary to describe the fire.
Today in RE we have been talking about whether it is important to be thankful. We read the story from the Bible about the thankful leper. The children then acted out feeling ill, being ignored, getting better and saying thank you. The children imagined how Jesus might have felt about the leper who came back and the nine who didn't.
We have started to recall the events of The Great Fire of London through drama.
Great vaulting in gymnastics today!
In DT the children have been finding out about Tudor houses. They have used a variety of materials to make their own Tudor houses.