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Church of England Primary School

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Friday 8th October 2021


Hello Everyone


Oak Class pupils have been producing some really excellent work over the last few weeks and this has resulted in several Gold Awards.  Congratulations go to:


Excellent Learning in Maths - Arthur, Baptiste and Charlie

Excellent Sentence Writing in French - Joe A

Excellent Icon Descriptions or Creation Story Boards in RE - Jeremy, Tamsin, Arthur, Baptiste, Joe A and Sabine


Keep up the good work everyone - we're sure there will be plenty more Gold Awards soon.


This week has seen us writing narratives based on a fantastic, but rather creepy animation called 'Alma'. We watched the video which only tells the story visually (and which you can see below) and then wrote the story in our own words. Mrs Short was very impressed with the quality of our writing - look out for some of these coming to our class page soon.


Did you know that Thursday was World Poetry Day? As we develop our reading comprehension skills on Thursday mornings, this week Mrs Godden chose a lovely poem entitled 'Autumn' (copy below) so we could appreciate how words can conjure up images in our minds.


Finally on Friday afternoon we got the glockenspiels out and began to learn the accompaniment to the song 'Happy'. Hopefully in a few weeks we will be ready to perform the song whilst playing the glockenspiels too!


Have a super weekend everyone.


Best wishes


Mrs Short and Mrs Godden


Escrito e dirigido por: Rodrigo Blaas-Produzido por: Cecile Hokes-Música: Mastretta-Diretor de Arte: Alfonso Blaas-Programador da Iluminação: Jonatan Catalán...

'Autumn' Poem
