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Church of England Primary School

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Friday 11th June 2021


Good afternoon everyone


We hope that you all had a fantastic half-term break and enjoyed lots of fun activities in the sun with your friends and family.  Sadly this will be your last term with us at Elham School, but we will be doing are very best to make it both special and memorable for you.


As usual, we have fitted in lots of learning this week. Here is a taster of what we have been up to:


  • We started a new French units. 'Manger and Bouger' (Healthy Living) and will be learning to express what we eat and drink that is both good for our bodies and not so good.
  • Mr File arranged an extra PE session for us with Brian who taught us some of the skills required to play squash. It was a really fun session and you can see some pictures and videos of us in action below.
  • This week in Computing we turned our micro:bits into radio receivers and transceivers and sent messages to each other. Thank you to Beau who, being a bit of a coding expert, took over and taught this lesson to us. Well done Beau!
  • On Friday afternoon, we were delighted to welcome back Ian from KIC Theatre. He worked with us to create drama around our transition to secondary school. As you will see below, lots of different emotions were demonstrated during this session. At the end, we said a big 'Thank you' to Ian for all the fun sessions he has created for us over our years at Elham School.


Also this week, you took home the 'Read for Good' sponsorship forms. Please try to raise a little money for this wonderful cause which provides books to children in hospital. 


Remember that we have lots of great activities planned for next week as it will be Book Week. And don't forget that next Friday is dressing up day - come as a character from a book or poem from another land. We can't wait to see what you all come as!


Mrs Godden and Mrs Short

Squash Lesson and KIC Theatre Pictures

Oak Class in action learning squash skills

Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video