Monday 31st January
Good morning to all of you who are home today-we only have 8 of you in school today, so its a very small class!
Below is the work we are doing in class today so that you can keep up with what we are doing in school if you are well enough.
I hope you all feel better we will see you back in school soon.
Mrs Short
We are doing an arithmetic SATS paper in class today. Please complete as much as you can at home.
We are looking at natural disasters and extreme weather.
Please look at the powerpoint. if you have a printer please print out a blank world map and match the weather event to the correct place on the map. if you do not have a printer please use your computer to locate the places.
Can you add any recent exptreme weather events or natural disasters? For example the volcano in Canary Islands or the Tsunami in Tonga.
Tuesday 1st February
Good morning everyone- here is the work we are doing in class today- I think there are more of you at home than in school! Look after yourselves ang hopefully we'll have you all back soon!
Mrs Short
BODMAS- order of operations. Please work through the powerpoint and then try the sheets. Yellow and green try section A and reds and blues B and C the scanned colour sheet. Try the Using Bidmas (Bodmas) sheet as an extension
We are going to work on a piece of extended writing over the next two days. This is based on the animation- A Day in Pompeii which links to our topic work and the SATS comprehension we did on the eruption of Vesuvius.
Please watch the video all the way through then in sections for each part of the day- write notes about what you see, hear and feel as the day progresses. Start to plan a descriptive piece of writing to describe the eruption from a survivors point of view.
Tomorrow will be the time to write your finished piece. You can email it to me if you are still away.
Today we are looking at microorganisms. work through the powerpoint and then set up your own Bread mould experiment. Fill in the work sheet as far as you can.
Wednesday 2nd February
Good Morning year 6- I hope we will have a few more of you back in school today- but for those of you at home here is today's work!
Yesterday you watched the animation about Pompeii and spent time planning your writing. Today i would like you to write your survivors account of the eruption. You can type it and email it to me or write it by hand and bring it in when you come back to school.
Remember to use lots of descriptive words and imagery to convey how it felt to be there when Vesuvius erupted.
I'm looking forward to reading your work.
Today you are converting measures between g and kg and ml and l. Look at the presentation and try the worksheets. Blue group please do the weight and capacity challenge word problems. Yellow and Green if you get stuck use a place value chart and make sure you are confident with multiplying and dividing by 100 and 1000.
We are learning about the global community and this week thinking about biodiversity. Please look at the presentation and then complete the sheet about what biodiversity means to you. If you cannot print it our draw your own version.
As we usually have PE at the end of Wednesday please find some time (if you feel up to it) to do something active today!
Thursday 3rd February
Hello Year 6- here is today's work!
You will be learning about the Qur'an. please look at the lesson presentation and watch the links at the end then complete the worksheet.
Today you are continuing to work on converting measures. You will focus on converting mm and cm, cm and m and m and km.
Each worksheet is labelled for your group.
Forest School
As you would be doing forest school this afternoon I would like you to link to our PSHE on biodiversity and go outside and see how many different living things you can identify in your garden.
What is growing, what animals, birds and insects can you observe.
Write a list and bring it to school next week.
Friday 4th February
Hello to everyone still at home. I am hoping that by Monday most of you will be back at school and we can return to normal! Here is the work for today. I have only put on English and maths as I would like you to use any additional time to make sure you have caught up with all the work I have set though the week so that we can all start from the same point next week!
If you are not well enough to do all the work just do what you can.
Have a good weekend and I am looking forward to seeing you all very soon.
Mrs Short
Today's lesson is about parenthesis- commas, dashes and brackets. please complete the work below.
Please make sure you have finished all the maths work set this week
I have attached a SATS reasoning paper and I would like you to do as much as you can. It is not a test so you can ask for help if you need it. If you cannot print it off write the answers on paper.