Look at the amazing cat mummy models we made!
In R.E. this term we have been investigating the question: Was Jesus the Messiah? We have been bible detectives over the last 2 weeks - looking at old testament prophecies and writing in the gospels about Jesus. This week the children really enjoyed doing a hot seating activity. Everyone wrote down some questions they would like to ask Mary and Joseph about Jesus' life. They took it in turns to be Mary and Joseph or to ask them the questions! We had lots of volunteers to be Mary and Joseph! The questions and answers were really amazing. Well done Silver Birch.
Anti-bullying Week
Thank you so much to everyone who made it to Celebration Assembly on Friday to watch our anti-bullying presentation. Mrs Strover and I have been so impressed with the children's attitude in their learning about anti-bullying. They have all shown their understanding of our school values and how important it is to show kindness to others.