We have had a great start to the new term in Beech class.
We have begun to look at decimals and how these relate to fractions. We also explored different 2D shapes; their names and properties. We started our new text called, Trash. This is a story set in India. We made predictions and described the city setting, which in the book is Chennai. We learnt about the different parts of the city, and the contrast in lifestyles. We started our new concept in RE; Salvation and focused on Maundy Thursday in Holy week. We had some bread (crackers) and wine (blackcurrant) and thought about the symbolism of these for Jesus and his disciples. We learnt about Judas' betrayal of Jesus too. In French we started our unit on the weather. We practised speaking and recognising vocabulary to describe the weather. Our school artist this term is Frida Kahlo. We learnt all about her life and the type of art she created. We then started our own version of a self-portrait and filled the background with our favourite items and places, as Frida did. In Science, we expanded our knowledge and understanding of forces, and sung and appraised the song, Lean on me by Bill Withers in music.