Silver Birch Class
Power point from today's Meet the Teacher session
Weekly Information
Times Table test - Tuesday
PE - Wednesday (But can PE kit stay in school at all times)
Spelling Test - Thursday
Spelling Homework - Handed out Friday - due in Wednesday
Timetables and reading practice throughout the week.
Welcome to Silver Birch!
We have had a fantastic first week here in Silver Birch, the children have settled in amazingly and we are very much looking forward to what the year has in store for us.
This week we have enjoyed an array of activities, from making cards, introducing ourselves as characters from a story in writing, working together to solve maths problems and recreating the planets of the solar system to name but a few.
The children have received their first lot of spelling homework this week, depending on their group (which has been assigned) they will be expected to learn 5, 10 or 15 words and be tested next Thursday.
Enjoy a restful and well earned weekend and we look forward to another fun week of learning next week!
The Silver Birch Team
Recreating the Solar System

Being Shape Detectives in Maths
Week 2
We began the week by learning about the history of space travel. In Maths we have studied 2D shapes and worked on activities based around place value. In English we wrote a diary recount and began our text; 'The Egyptian Cinderella.' In topic we became time travellers where we travelled through time on a time machine and met Queen Victoria, Henry VIII, Ancient Greeks and even Jesus! We ordered many important events from history in chronological order. We practiced typing skills in computing and how to greet each other in French.
We hope you are able to join us at the Meet the Teacher session on Wednesday next week to find out about all the fun we have in Silver Birch class.
Have a fabulous weekend.
Week 3
This week we have been continuing with Place Value in Maths, looking at values of digits and using a number line. In English we wrote setting descriptions and letters in role. We discovered more about Egypt as a country and located significant places and landmarks on using maps using the playground as our canvas. Year 3s (whilst the Year 4s were at hockey) started to design a poster for an Ancient Egyptian restaurant, which will eventually be created using a computer program. We greeted each other in French, and asked how we were and what our names are. In RE we explored the beauty of God's creation by visiting places around the school and taking snapshots of something that had the 'Wow' factor. In Science we became the Earth, Sun and Moon and this time the playground was the solar system! On Friday, we had an amazing opportunity to visit the Manor House in Elham village and was given a detailed tour by the owners. We discovered many fascinating facts about this beautiful building and the children have been inspired by this visit which they will turn into a story next week.
Thank you to the parents that attended our session on Wednesday, it was lovely to see so many of you there
Maths Place value
RE - Nature's Wow Factor!
Elham Manor House
Earth, Sun and Moon
Week 4
This week we have continued our exploration of place value in maths, counting on and back in different values. We have also been exploring 2D shapes, with a particular focus on angles and hunting for right angles.
In English we used the inspiring visit to the Elham Manor house to plan and write our own stories and we have been learning all about expanded noun phrases in order to make our writing more interesting.
We are now experts on all the planets in the Solar System after our exciting learning in science this week- feel free to quiz us!
Optional Homework- I have asked the children to design their own written language system like the Ancient Egyptians. The most intricate will win a prize.
Creating our Egptian Cartouches

Week 5
This week we've been finding 10, 100 and 1000 more or less than a number in Maths, and identifying angles in shapes. In English we started our new text; 'Secrets of the Sun King', and did lots of predicting. We studied what life was like in Ancient Egyptian times and performed the poem, 'Melvin the Mummy.' Year 3 started their swimming lessons, whilst Year 4 enjoyed some extra maths with Mrs Hams. On Friday, we had our Harvest assembly at church. We performed our song, 'Riding Tractors is Fun,' which we really enjoyed!
The Hobbit Production
Week 6
This week we've been comparing numbers and angles in Maths, building suspense and using editing skills in English, and learning about the Creation story in RE. Year 4s have been continuing with their hockey training and Year 3s have been learning different computing techniques using the program; Publisher. We finished the week with an exciting visit from the author James Campbell.
Tales From the Book of Life
KIC Theatre- Discovering Tutankhamun's tomb - Tuesday
Tony Peek - Poet - Wednesday
Creating Poems with Mr Skinner

Book Week
We have had an amazing week in Silver Birch class as I'm sure you can see. We've met authors, practiced our drama, listened to musical stories and created our own poems and stories.
Enjoy your half term break and we look forward to seeing you energised and rested in Term 2.
The Silver Birch Team
Term 2
Week 2
We've had a very busy 2 weeks back at school. Both teachers have been absent due to illness, and we wish to thank our amazing TAs for holding the fort, and to the children for behaving well and working just as hard as ever.
In Maths we have been practising our measuring skills and learning different strategies to add numbers. In RE we have begun to find out about Jesus as a Messiah and in Science, how night and day are formed. In Topic we learnt about Egyptian religion and their pyramids, and have started to create our own canopic jars. In English we have begun to look at newspaper reports and the features they include.
In week 2 we had a fantastic trip to the Museum of Kent Life where we learnt lots about ancient Egyptian life.
** Please keep the rubbish coming in!!
** Apologies for not sending out homework - children have been asked to bring in some time tables practice or to complete some Prodigy Maths/ TT Rockstars.
Museum of Kent Life - Egyptian day
Week 3
This week in Maths we have been using written methods to add numbers. We've been looking in more detail about different features of a newspaper report in English. In topic we have been learning about mummification and writing instructions for the process. In RE we have been using Biblical texts to learn more about Incarnation and the Messiah. In Science we learnt some facts about the planets and created some information posters. As it was Anti-Bullying week, we spoke about the differences between bullying and conflict. We discussed how to deal with bullying and to just 'Be Kind'! We wore odd socks on Tuesday to show that we are all individual characters and unique. On Thursday, Year 4s went to the Three Hills for a multisports event and had lots of fun.
Week 4
This week in Maths we have started subtraction. We've started our computing unit all about emails, and have been sending some to each other. We've looked at prophecies in the Bible, along with the Gospels to see what they teach Christians about the Messiah. Our last Topic session for the term was all about the afterlife, and we have begun to create our own tomb designs. In Science, we have started our new topic which focuses on the digestive system.
Week 5
This week we have continued practising our subtraction methods and calculating perimeter. We've written some great pieces in English using diary entries and newspaper reports. We've thought about how a Christian celebrates Christmas and what the true meaning of Christmas is for them. We made some melting snowmen ready to sell at the Christmas fete. Then we finished the week off by visiting Father Christmas and enjoying all the fun of the fair!
Rocket building - Monday 2nd December
Rockets - Finished products!
Week 6
This week we completed maths, reading and SPAG tests! It wasn't all hard work though, as we also built rockets, painted our Canopic jars and went to watch the Pantomime. We made reindeer hats to wear for our Christmas dinner.
Weeks 7 & 8
In these last 2 weeks we have been finishing our Canopic jars, completing Christmas crafts and getting our class assembly ready. We made calendars using silhouettes, clay decorations and tree pictures. We learnt how the concept of a Messiah is important for the world today and did some problem solving in maths. We made Christingles ready for the church service on the last day of term.
Thank you to all that came to watch our class assembly - the children were fantastic performers, and even some of the adults joined in with the dancing at the end!
Thank you for all of our Christmas gifts, and we hope you all have a lovely break.
See you next term.